About Me

Currently, I consider myself an enthusiast in the development of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), mainly using Nuxt, the Vue framework, and the power of Serverless services to take advantage of their high performance at a low cost.

I have been passionate about computers and new technologies since I was 14 years old. It all began when I created my first blogs and bravely tried to understand and use HTML editors. Later, I started watching videos to learn Java and JavaScript, which allowed me to develop automated posting bots for social media.

I studied Computer Systems Engineering at the Technological University of Panama. I am deeply passionate about computers and emerging technologies. I have experience in web and mobile app development, system automation, and database management. With my determination, I am confident in my ability to overcome any programming challenge that comes my way.


Computer and Systems Engineering at Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Panama City, Panama

Jan 2016 — May 2022

High School Diploma, Science at Escuela Secundaria Pedro Pablo Sánchez

La Chorrera, Panama

Feb 2010 — Dec 2015


La Chorrera, Panama


[email protected]

  • Spanish: Native
  • English: Advanced
  • French: Elementary


Quality Practices

  • Clean and readable code
  • Use of code linter rules
  • Performance optimization
  • Troubleshooting
  • Continuous Integration
  • Conventional Commits
  • Optimistic
  • Ability to adapt and learn
  • Analytical and logical skills
  • Time management

Main Skills




PostgreSQLMySQLSQLiteCloudflare D1Drizzle-ORM




CloudflareAWSHerokuGoogle Cloud


Cloudflare Workers/PagesVercel

Continuous Integration

GitHub ActionsCircle CIJestVitestCodecov


Android StudioCapacitor.js

Work Experience

Programming Specialist at Millicom (Tigo)

Panama City, Panama

Aug 2023 — Present

Web App Developer at GRUPO K & H, S.A

Pacora, Panama

May 2022 — Present

  • Develop from scratch a web application to manage the inventory of products, suppliers, sellers, invoices, and customers of the company using Node.js on Heroku.
  • Work alongside the Administrator to plan, develop, document, test, deploy, and maintain the web application and database.
  • Create and maintain a role-based user login system.
  • Develop a REST API to control user functions using Express.js with PostgreSQL while utilizing Vue.js on the front end.
  • Implement Word and PDF invoices generator for physical printing.
  • Incorporate search filters and Excel files generator of all the data for further analysis
Full-Stack Developer and Administrator at Panama Esports Productions

Panama City, Panama

April 2019 — Present

  • Helping projects in favor of Esports and Gaming in Panama.
  • Administration of the server, official website, and company's web domains.
  • Work alongside the CEOs and Graphic Designers to plan and create landing web pages built with PHP or Vue.js for promoting and exhibiting gaming tournaments.
  • Implement web forms for collecting tournament participants' data using MySQL.
  • Carry out any other programming or web design work for clients who contact the company looking for a personalized service.



Jun 2023 — Present

Web app that fetches and displays all npm packages used among all your GitHub projects. Login with your GitHub account, update your package list, and explore the lists of other registered users.

  • Developed a Serverless web app project on Cloudflare Pages.
  • Implemented a login system using GitHub OAuth App.
  • Designed a Database using SQLite in development and Cloudflare D1 in production using Drizzle-ORM for SQL queries.
NuxtNode.jsVue.jsJavascriptCloudflare PagesCloudflare D1Github APIBootstrap 5Drizzle-ORMSQLite

May 2023 — Present

Twemoji module for Nuxt. Rendering emojis as SVG elements or PNG images.

  • Developed a Nuxt module with multiple components to render twitter emojis as SVG elements or PNG images.
  • Published the module on the NPM registry.
  • Submitted the module to the Nuxt community modules list.
NuxtNode.jsTypescriptJavascriptGitHub ActionsVue.jsTwemojiNPM
How Many Times Larger

Feb 2023 — Present

Website and Game for easy country size comparisons.

  • Developed a Web App project on Github Pages used to compare the size of countries using their total area.
  • Automatically downloaded most of the images of the countries' flags and shapes using Node.js.
  • Designed and implemented a game to test the visitor's knowledge of the countries, using Vue.js and Nuxt.
  • Created an internal API class.
  • Bundled an Android app through Github Actions using Capacitor.js and published it on Google Play Store.
Vue.jsNuxtNode.jsCapacitor.jsGitHub PagesGitHub ActionsBootstrap 5

May 2022 — Present

A web application to manage the inventory of products, suppliers, sellers, invoices, and customers of the company.

  • Develop from scratch a web application to manage the inventory of products, suppliers, sellers, invoices, and customers of the company using Node.js on Heroku.
  • Work alongside the Administrator to plan, develop, document, test, deploy, and maintain the web application and database.
  • Create and maintain a role-based user login system.
  • Develop a REST API to control user functions using Express.js with PostgreSQL while utilizing Vue.js on the front end.
  • Implement Word and PDF invoices generator for physical printing.
  • Incorporate search filters and Excel files generator of all the data for further analysis
Node.jsPostgreSQLVue.jsHerokuAWS S3Bootstrap 5
GitHub Gists Readme

Apr 2022 — Present

Display a card with your Gists on your GitHub README.md

  • Developed a web app project on Vercel used to embed a list of Gists or pin a specific Gist of a GitHub user to their profile. Using Node.js and Handlebars.
  • Performed continuous integration testing for the GitHub repository using Jest to code the unit tests of the web app, generate, and automatically upload the reports to Codecov.
  • Documented the source code of the project using JSDoc.
Node.jsGitHub APIVercelJestCodecovGithub ActionsHandlebarsBootstrap 5

Dec 2021 — Present

Embed a simple and beautiful HTML Spotify-like music player from local audio on your website using MediaElement.js and Color Thief.

  • Created a Spotify-like music player for websites using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
PESP.GG Website

Sep 2021 — Present

The PESP.GG website is a collaborative project between programmers, graphic designers and the company Panama Esports Productions for the creation of the company's official website

  • The project was initially developed using PHP hosted on AWS EC2, then migrated to Nuxt hosted on Cloudflare Pages.
  • Developed an Esports website project using Nuxt hosted on Cloudflare Pages.
  • Implemented an admin dashboard to manage the website's posts and see statistics.
  • Designed a Database for the website's posts using SQLite in development and Cloudflare D1 in production using Drizzle-ORM for SQL queries.
  • Implemented an images and posts html content storage system using Cloudflare R2.
PHPBootstrap 5MySQLAWS EC2Bootstap 4SlackJQueryCloudflare D1Cloudflare R2NuxtVue.js
Panama Metrobus Balance

Oct 2019 — Present

Panama Metrobus Balance is an app for balance and movements inquires for all Metro and Metrobus cards in Panama City.

  • Developed a 10,000+ total downloads Android app project, currently helps 3,000+ users in Panama City to know the balance and movements for all Metro and Metrobus cards.
  • Designed a friendly, easy-to-use interface.
  • Implemented time graphical displays of people's card spends and balance changes.
  • Translated manually from Spanish to English everything in the app. Making it available in two languages.
  • Created and maintained a user login system to store users' cards in their accounts using Heroku PostgreSQL and a PHP server on AWS.
Android StudioJavaPHPPostgreSQLAWS Elastic BeanstalkBootstrap 5
Dimatis Website

Dec 2018 — Present

Music creator website.

  • Built a music creator website to showcase all the artist's albums and songs, biography, licensing, and links to music platforms and stores. Using Nuxt hosted on GitHub Pages.
  • Created a beautiful HTML/CSS music player to play audio.
  • Deployed serverless code on Cloudflare Workers while using the Meta API to show the Instagram feed and the Spotify API to show the followers on the website.
NuxtNode.jsCloudflare WorkersBootstrap 5GitHub PagesGithub ActionsSpotify APIMeta API
Spotify Playlist Adder

Aug 2021

A web app to add songs to a Spotify playlist.

  • Web service developed using the Spotify API and PHP to add a song to a playlist at a given position.
  • Authorization implemented to grant users access permissions to Spotify data and features.
PHPSpotify APIBootstrap 5